Celebrity Tuxedos will be on campus:
WHEN: Monday, December 5th from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
WHERE: `Akahi Student Activities Classroom
WHAT: Selling used MEN’S white dress shoes for only $40.00 (tax included).
These shoes are in excellent condition. Be sure to have your son stop by during his lunch period to be fitted and to purchase his shoes (don’t forget to send payment with him). Cash, credit card or checks accepted. Make checks payable to “Celebrity Tuxedos”. Socks will also be available for $5 per pair (tax included).
Please note that this is the only day the shoes will be offered at this price.
If you would prefer to accompany your son to the sale, please contact Laurielei by Friday, December 2 so that you will have clearance at the security gate.
Laurielei Waracka
Parent Coordinator