Poʻo Kula Debbie Lindsey would like to invite your Junior to a very special College Connections Dinner. This year’s theme is Haʻaheo: To Be the First. This invitation was first distributed to all first-generation students—those who will be the first in their immediate family to earn a 4-year college degree. We would now like to extend invitations to the Junior class.
There will be 8 colleges represented at this dinner. You will have the unique opportunity to sit at a table with one of the representatives. We highly encourage you to view the links below to visit each college’s website to get more information.
1. Arizona State University*
2. Oregon State University
3. Washington State University*
4. University of Portland
5. University of Nevada Las Vegas*
6. Northern Arizona University*
7. Western Oregon*
8. Colorado Mesa
*Possible WUE school partnership opportunities for students who meet test score and GPA criteria.
Seating at this dinner will be very limited. Attendance will be on a first-come first-served basis. We will open a waitlist if we are unable to provide seats for all who want to attend. Please make sure to take thoughtful consideration of the date and time to ensure you will be able to attend. We also request that you notify us if your plans change so we may offer any available seats to those on the waitlist.
Please visit the link below to submit your RSVP and to complete a quick survey.
Haʻaheo RSVP & Survey (RSVP due by March 24, 2017)
We hope you will be able to attend!
Office of the Poʻokula